Jun 5Liked by jackie.buxton

Brilliant! Chuckle a minute that! Sometimes they don't half put these obstacles in the way- don't lthey?Easy mistake to make! At least you didn't go there with your slippers on!!!

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That’s funny! I never thought about the slippers… although 🤔 - never say never😆

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Jun 5Liked by jackie.buxton

Love this story, I can so see you hobbling along at top speed for your appointment. I've known it to happen before although not neccesarily with the worong boots on! However apart from the story itself I think what you are highlighting is the importance of small acts of kindness and positivity. In themselves they may be over in a flash but the good that they do is amplified many times over and can cause ripples of happiness which we can know nothing about. Well done Jax, keep up the good work.

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Jun 4Liked by jackie.buxton

When you can relate to a scenario, it’s always funny! So let’s just say, I laughed !

The other day, when I sat at the airport next to a lovely lady, after I had broken down getting to the airport. Imagine our joint surprise , when she tells me she had broken down too!! Snap, I said! She proceeded to tell me that it wasn’t helped by her then booking herself on to the wrong coach (to get to said Bristol airport ) to Heathrow. She couldn’t get off on route. Anyway, condensed story later, when we chatted and I helped her sort her onward journey, she said to me, “you came at just the right time and you have made it so much better!” I replied, ‘believe me, I’m glad I can help someone as bonkers as me as that is exactly the sort of thing I’d do!’

So, Jac B, I can relate, I really can !

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I love that lady 🤩 Thanks for the brilliant anecdote, J, very amusing but actually, so good she bumped into you for the distraction and the help, bless you both! Gotta laugh 😆

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Jun 3Liked by jackie.buxton

my heart was in my mouth waiting for the "and so I broke my ankle" then I remembered this is good news and the receptionist didn't disappoint :)

Love it!!

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Haha! Thanks Kate! And that’s funny, I never thought of that happening - and it wouldn’t be that unusual for me to end up in A & E for a ridiculous accident, tbf…

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Oh this made me chortle, 👢👢 but a lovely end to the story ☺️

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Hehe! Glad it made you chortle, Lesley 😘

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Love this! I often tell people I like something they are wearing as if this ever happens to me I LOVE IT! ❤️

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Yay! Thanks Jenny. And good on you telling people! I agree, it’s a simple thing, but just kind of brightens your day when somebody takes the time to share something nice, doesn’t it? Not least when it’s totally and utterly unexpected - haha!

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Hehe! And yes, you’re right, if there’s a pot hole, a dodgy kerb, errr, plant pot (aka impressive dive and broken knee) I will find it, regardless of footwear…🤷‍♀️ And I also agree, people often have no idea how much of an effect their seemingly tiny gesture has on a stranger’s day, huh? And sadly, the opposite is also true. I do think the world would be a nicer place if *some people* were more conscious of that when they react without thinking of the consequences or what’s going on in the recipient’s life. But I will also always maintain that most people are lovely and behave accordingly!

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